Now Accepting Guest Posts
What about?
Our topics of interest include puppets, Nashville, or traveling with family.
We are interested in the following:
Nashville history and landmarks.
Middle Tennessee must see or must do.
Favorite or top local family-friendly venues, restaurants, museums, events, activities, etc.
Puppetry or children's theatre.
Tips for traveling to Nashville with a family.
Experience in Nashville with your family.
We are looking for bloggers, influencers, contributors, or local experts interested in guest posting. We would love to feature your point of view, knowledge, or experience on our blog.
What's in it for me?
We know that we are a new business, but we want to provide a platform for you as a writer to add more guest posts to your portfolio if you are starting out or looking to do more guest posting.
Not only does it help us, but it will give you exposure to our readers and visitors.
You are able to have a do-follow link back from Puppet City Tours.
Every post will include a bio and a link back to your site.
Our Guidelines
Posts must fall under our topics of interest. However, we are open to all pitches that would be appropriate for our blog.
Please original work only and not recycled. We request that it is not published anywhere else.
Once it is submitted please do not repurpose it on your blog. However, referencing the post on your blog or site is fantastic.
Writing must include correct spelling and proper grammar.
You may link your blog or social media accounts twice.
Posts must be 1200 words minimum.
We encourage original photos, but they must be high quality.

We reserve the right to refuse publication or remove content at any time. All submissions must be approved.